The Vietnamese fan dance (Múa Quạt) is a traditional dance which are considered symbols of grace, beauty, and charm. The dance is characterized by its fluid, gentle movements, mimicking the flow of wind or water. Dancers often perform in coordinated groups, creating a visual harmony that represents unity and community. The choreography includes swaying, spinning, and the graceful opening and closing of the fans in sync with the music.
The fan dance is commonly performed during cultural festivals, public celebrations, and sometimes in temples during religious ceremonies. In contemporary settings, it is also performed during international cultural exchanges to showcase Vietnamese traditions. The dance is often part of performances aimed at tourists, offering a glimpse into Vietnam’s rich cultural heritage.

The photos in this post show 2 among 28 teams in action at the “Fan Dance Station”. The 28 teams comprising more than 250 participants later successfully accomplished their team-mission by passing through all challenge stations set on a route, designed by Indochina Heritage, that encompass a few districts of Hanoi.